My Journey

Hello, my friend! I’m Lori

In 2021 it was time to teach myself some new techniques. There were several different styles to master, and much more practice to come.

In 2019

I started my journey of teaching myself how to construct my own marbling techniques since I couldn’t find help online. I spent countless hours practicing.

I’m a wife, a mom of 2 grown kids and a dog mom of 3.

I am obsessed with helping nail artists learn how to create incredible marble nail art

How could mastering marble nails redefine your nail career?

For me it’s breathtaking nail designs, freedom of working less, and spending more time on my passion.

Mastering marble nails truly and beautifully changed my life…That I became infatuated with sharing how I create my intricate marble designs from scratch, elevated my pricing to premium, and a 32 hour work week.

But the jump from overworked nail artist to esteemed nail educator didn’t happen overnight.That bounce didn’t come easy with more than a few flops..

But was it worth it?


In 2017, I became infatuated with learning marble nail art, and I did my first set of marble nails. I kept trying, but I was frustrated. I knew I had to learn how the pro's were doing it.

2022… I was starting to perfect my technique. Still spending hours and hours practicing. And I never gave up.

In 2018,

I discovered marble Ink.. I didn’t quite know how to use it,Yet...

I spent months trying to find marble nail tutorials online. however, I wasn’t finding what I needed.

In 2020, I was starting to feel good about mastering my techniques, and felt like I was making some good progress.

FAST forward to now…

My moment had come!
Since that time, I have serviced hundreds of clients and perfected my own technique and want to share it with others
With the transformative POWER of passion, teaching other nail artists has always been my dream

I’m still refining my craft to this day. Something inside me said "it’s time". I knew I was meant to guide and nurture the talents of other nail artists. Which brought me to the here and now. My brand new course will show you how to brush your new reality. The Marble Effect: nail art accelerator will take you from marble novice to marble master, even if you have little nail art experience.

The Marble Effect: Nail Art Accelerator
I help nail artists achieve incredible marble nail art techniques through my my course with my clear and step by step comprehensive video training.

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The Marble Effect: Nail Artistry Course

Marble Nails Mini Course




My journey
