Phase 7: 3 Nails
We will be crafting stunning, and high dimension marble designs. You'll acess my own secret methods for building depth, dimension, and realistic marble designs.
You're mastering your own techniques and growing your vault of many different actionable marbling frameworks.
Layered Marble Nails
Phase 8: 4 Nails
In this lesson, we will be adding different elements and techniques that will produce astonishing depth and detail in these marble nail designs.
Learn how incorporating different elements will give stunning effects and depth to your marble nails
Realistic Stone Marble
Phase 9: 4 Nails
one of my favorite lessons! Working with many different shades of greens, I guide you in how you mix these colors to get the exact shade you need to get the perfect depth that will wow even the pros.
Learn how to add the layers, build dimension to craft hypnotic and realistic Jade marble nails.